Are you looking for a simple horizontal weekly planner that you can print at home? This printable weekly planner is made to maximize your writing space on both the Monthly and Horizontal Weekly Pages.

Finding the perfect planner is difficult. I know that it’s easy to spend hundreds of dollars trying to find the perfect planner. If you’re trying to save some money but really need something to help keep you organized, this printable planner might be the right option for you.
That’s why I created this super simple Horizontal Undated Weekly Planner. You can print this PDF file and create your own custom planner at home. This planner should be printed on traditional Letter sized (8 1/2 x 11) or can be resized if you’d like.
I typically like to use a disc-bound system with a simple cover for my planner. This allows me to add in other pages and move pages around as needed. You may also consider a classic ring planner or an inexpensive 3-ring binder to start.
About Simple Undated Weekly Calendar.
You will receive 12 Monthly Calendars on 2 pages (January – December, undated) This is your typical monthly calendar. It is spread over 2 pages so you have plenty of room to write. There is also a narrow notes section on the right side.
Monthly Overview Pages
Each month includes a Monthly Overview (2 pages). These pages allow you to brainstorm your month, jot down important notes, track your habits throughout the month, and even track important dates and track bill payments.
Undated Horizontal Weekly Planner Pages
After the Monthly Overview pages are the undated horizontal weekly pages.
These are a Sunday Start horizontal style which gives you plenty of space to write down your daily appointments and tasks.
Opposite the weekly planning page, you will have a second page with a weekly to-do section and space for notes. Each month includes 5 weeks of planning pages.
Get your Undated Horizontal Weekly Planner PDF here:
How to Download the Planner
You will receive an email with a link to download your file as soon as you make your purchase. Simply download the file to your computer to print.
How to Print Your Horizontal Undated Planner
You will need a PDF reader to open your files (most computers have this, or you can get Adobe Acrobat Reader here;
- Print at 100% on letter-sized paper
- You can print out as many copies of each page as you would like.
- If you would like to print this to fit a classic Happy Planner (7×9.25) you can print it at 82% and trim the paper.
Supplies You Might Want for your DIY Planner
- 3-ring hole punch – 12 sheet option – high capacity 20 sheet punch
- High Quality, affordable 3-ring binder
- 3 ring bookmark
- Discbound hole punch
- Discbound Cover
- Discs for Discbound Planner
- Discbound Bookmark
- HP Printer that we love (we have 2)
Use this Planner Digitally on your iPad or Tablet
Because this is a PDF, you can also use it as a simple digital planner. I recommend using Goodnotes or another PDF Reader program (Notability, etc.) to edit your planner.
★ All pages can be moved, duplicated, or removed.
★ Customize your planner by adding note pages anywhere throughout the planner.
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